Daniel’s Story
Daniel is 32 years old. He spent 15 years doing a job that he loved. His world has been turned on its head.
Meet Daniel …

“Being a stonemason, that was my life”,
being with the boys, working hard but
having a laugh too, that was my world,
my identity” – Daniel Lewis
In November 2018, Daniel was diagnosed with accelerated silicosis, he will never work as a stonemason again. He is a loving father to two wonderful young daughters….
“I try and stay active but it’s a struggle. I can barely kick the ball with the kids for 10 minutes without stopping to catch my breath, the kids don’t get it. I hate that they see me like that, but that’s the legacy of silicosis”.
Just recently Daniel completed his compensation case with WorkCover, QLD with the assistance of Turner Freeman lawyers. He was assessed as having a ‘terminal condition’ due to Silicosis, (under ‘the Act’ 2003, workers who have a latent onset condition that is a ‘terminal condition’ may be eligible to receive a special lump sum benefit. Following recent changes, a ‘terminal condition’ is defined as a condition that is expected to terminate the worker’s life). According to Daniel this means that he can finally move forward with his life which will include consistent health monitoring and
management. Daniel has decided to enrol in a dual Diploma of Business/Management and Leadership and is excited about taking his career in a new direction. Despite a slightly different work environment Daniel knows, that by focusing on the people and relationships, then everything else will follow.
“No matter what I am or what kind of work I do, it will always be about the people, for me”.
Daniel’s goal for Silicosis sufferers remains the same!
“The best advice I can give the ‘boys’ is don’t give up, I know it’s hard but it’s worth the fight”……
Daniel’s passion is to help others affected by silicosis. He wants people affected in anyway by silicosis to have access to the support and services they deserve. As a mentor with the Silicosis Support Network, Daniel shares his ‘lived experience’ to help us to offer exceptional supports and services. Daniel is looking forward to connecting with you at the upcoming support groups, sharing his experiences and listening to and understanding yours.
“The Silicosis Support Network was the only place where I could get that extra help and information that I really needed” … they really helped me to help myself”.
Thank you, Daniel, you are a valued and respected member of the mentor team at the Silicosis Support Network and we look forward to doing more important work together.
In recognition and appreciation of your time, passion and commitment in helping us at the Silicosis Support Network to support you and the Silicosis community, your way!