Silicosis Support Network to support the development of the National Silicosis Prevention Strategy and National Action Plan

The Lung Foundation Australia has been appointed by the Australian Government’s Department of Health to facilitate the development of the 2022–2027 National Silicosis Prevention Strategy (NSPS) and accompanying National Action Plan (NAP).

This Strategy and Plan is one of a number of recommendations from the National Dust Disease Taskforce’s Final Report. The NSPS and NAP are extensions of over two years of comprehensive community, industry and government consultation under the leadership of the National Dust Disease Taskforce. The intention of the NSPS and NAP are to build on the work of the Taskforce and define the priorities and actions required to reduce the impact of silicosis on individuals, the community and the economy. The Silicosis Support Network is a member of the reference group tasked with developing the NSPS and NAP. Draft documents are due to be presented to the Department of Health and Minister for Health and Aged Care in June 2022. The Minister will then liaise with his State and Territory Workplace Health and Safety Ministerial Colleagues to seek their endorsement and ratification.

Further information will be posted as it comes to hand.