Board of Directors
Garry Rogers – Chair
Garry has always been vocal about the dangers of asbestos and is motivated to remove all produced asbestos material from our society to reduce the risk of future generations of children and grandchildren being exposed.
Recently Garry was involved in a campaign highlighting the asbestos in the Telstra pits and pipe, not only to the NBN and Telstra workers but to members of the public.
Garry has represented his union (Electrical Trade Union) at a number of different asbestos conferences and has been nominated as the Queensland asbestos officer which calls upon him to advise, consult and negotiate a lot of different initiatives about identifying asbestos and its removal from workplaces.
Andrew Ramsay – Deputy Chair
Andrew has been a member since 2009. Andrew was elected Chair of ADSS from 2015 till October, 2018. He previously had held the positions of Vice President of ARDSSQ 2012 – 2015, and Chair of ARDSSQ Management Committee since 2014.
Andrew was the Work Health and Safety Co-ordinator for the CFMEU Qld and NT and had a passion for representing workers and preventing the community being exposed to asbestos containing materials.
Andrew is a carpenter by trade and was a union official for 27 years. Andrew has been very active with the Society since 2005, undertaking voluntary work to assist the Society often at short notice.
Patricia Cini
Pat has been involved with the Asbestos Society as a volunteer for many years after her husband was diagnosed with Asbestosis of which he has since passed.
This included running the Southside Support Group, ringing members, giving them phone support and information as to the assistance that ADSS could give them. She has attended morning teas, seminars and Home Shows to inform the public of the dangers of asbestos. Pat has been on the Committee of ADSS for many years and a Director for two years.